Weekend around the corner

Its that time of the week again!

So let your hair down and take an hour to relax and pamper yourself.

Try to do any of the following:

  • a warmbath with essential oil of your choice
    take in a magazine and chill
    great for muscle relaxation + heightening the senses
  • this month’s face mask – oatmeal + milk/water
    leave for just 20mins and add that glow to your skin
  • Foot bath
    There is a lot going on in your feet and its time to take care of them
    grab a tub and fill half with warm water and add 3 tbsp of olive oil and 1/2 cup of milk.
    this will make your feet extra smooth while soaking for 20 mins
    then, get 1tbsp of sugar (per foot) and use this to scrub
    not only will you get amazingly foot feet but this will give you energy for the rest of your day